Guild Office – Manage Guild

June 30, 2012 § 4 Comments

This menu is only available for Guild Leaders and Chief Officers.

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Guild Office – Guild List

June 30, 2012 § Leave a comment

This menu is mostly important for Guild Leaders.

This is the list of all Guilds that are currently on our server Argos. You can see the Guild number (a running number which says nothing about the status but only the age of a guild), how many members the Guild has and who the Guild leader is.

If you click on one Guild name, you can see a bit more information about the Guild just like the info we have on our Guild main page: Guild Points, Activity Points, Number of Members, Guild Town

Guild Office – Options

June 30, 2012 § Leave a comment


Guild Menu Option

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Guild Office – Main Page

June 30, 2012 § Leave a comment

The town menu of every town has one button “Guild Office”. Guild Info Main Page

On the main page, you can see the stats of our Guild, like current experience, Guild Points, number of members, Guild Fund and Maintenance Fee.

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AT World – Rin Recruitment Event – TBS “Field T” Guide

June 30, 2012 § 1 Comment

First, make sure that you have potions and maybe Scrolls of Resurrection on your main and the 7 mercenaries you want to take with you. You also need gold to pay the entry fee and the Trainings in TBS.

Now go to the Song-i Hat (mushroom) and open a TBS. Note: You must do the TBS of the same level as your quest is, otherwise you cannot complete Dr. Gon’s 4th Quest.

You can take 7 mercenaries with you.

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AT World – Rin Recruitment Event – TBS “Field A” Guide

June 30, 2012 § 1 Comment

First, make sure that you have potions and maybe Scrolls of Resurrection on your main and the 7 mercenaries you want to take with you. You also need gold to pay the entry fee and the Trainings in TBS.

Now go to the Pet Raccoon and open a TBS. Note: You must do the TBS of the same level as your quest is, otherwise you cannot complete Dr. Gon’s 2nd Quest.

You can take 7 mercenaries with you.

TBS requirements per run:

lvl 80 = 1 TBS Point + 30,000 Gold

lvl 100 = 2 TBS Points + 100,000 Gold

lvl 120 = 3 TBS Points + 1,000,000 Gold

lvl 140 = 4 TBS Points + 3,000,000 Gold

Field A map

Let’s start!

Select the 7 mercenaries you want to take with you.

Goal -> Destroy all 8 Spawn Gates (SG), 4 on each side of the “arms” of the A. You also have to destroy them in a set order.

Kill all the mobs you can see and don’t forget to start the first Training at your Base. Try to move most of your mercs to the left side and turn left again, but leave two (ranged) mercenaries at the Base. There will be single mobs coming from both sides towards the Base.

Kill all the mobs that you see and try to attack the SG 1 directly in front of you (see map). I recommend doing all trainings as soon as you can, as you get very high speed and very good attack range and buff.

SG 1 will take a few turns to destroy, make sure to kill the mobs that spawn there. As soon as you have destroyed SG 1, your turn will be over and 3 mini bosses will spawn where the gate had been. Kill them and move further down.

This Summon Gate (SG 2) will go down faster as it has less hp than SG1. Another trio of mini bosses will spawn. Kill them and turn around to move back up.

Right after the passage to your base is another Spawn Gate SG 3. This is a stronger SG again and will spawn cannon mobs. Another set of bosses will appear when you have destroyed SG 3. Kill them and move further up to destroy the weak SG 4 that is almost at the tip of the A.

Kill the 3 bosses and turn around again. Go back to base with all mercenaries.

Now repeat the steps from before on the right side. Make sure to leave 2 mercenaries to protect the way to the Base, then go down, destroy the two SGs 5 and 6 with the remaining mercenaries. Go back up towards the tip of the A and destroy SG 7 on the way.

As soon as you have destroyed SG 8, the boss will spawn. Now you can either try to kill the big boss and ignore all the other mobs around it (including the mini bosses from the last gate) or kill all the mobs around boss first and then go for Error Master Z-MK3. Just make sure to stay out of the reach of his AOE skill.

The more mobs you kill, the more drops you get. The mobs drop Event Flyers and Rare Treasure Chests which may give you mounts and other nice items. I only got Water of Life so far, but the event has only just started.

Congratulations, you have finished the TBS Field A successfully.

AT World – Rin Recruitment Event – Daily Quest Line

June 30, 2012 § 2 Comments

Go to the event area near Pusan at Goonzu World. You can use the event button on the left side of the screen below your quest log. Talk to Dr. Gon and take the quest for your level. There is a quest line for level

  • 80 (for level 80 – 99) => 30 Event Flyer at completion
  • 100 (for level 100 to 119) => 60 Event Flyer at completion
  • 120 (for level 120 to 139) => 80 Event Flyer at completion
  • 140 (for level 140 to 150) => 100 Event Flyer at completion

Only the quest that complies with your level will be available, all others are grayed out.

1st Quest: Answer Dr. Gon’s question: Bunraku

2nd Quest: Kill Error Master Z-MK3. Go to the Pet Raccoon and select the TBS Field A. Watch out that you take the right level. If you do a TBS that’s lower than your quest, you can’t finish your quest. Go back to Dr. Gon when you’ve successfully finished your TBS Field A and hand in the quest.

3rd Quest: Read Evil King J’s Challenge: Click on the item (letter) that Dr. Gon gave you. Hand in the quest.

4th Quest: Kill Malicious Evil King J: Go to the Pet Song-i Hat (the mushroom) and start the TBS Field T. Again, you want to make sure to take the TBS of the correct level. Hand in the quest to Dr. Gon when you’ve successfully finished the TBS Field T.

5th Quest: Make a Forum Post. Hand in the quest. Your reward will be sent to your inventory. Reward depends on level as indicated above.

Scheduled Maintenance on 6/26/2012

June 26, 2012 § Leave a comment

A new even will be patched in. It most probably is the recruitment event for Rin, the new puppeteer mercenary.

It’s a little girl, guarded by a huge puppet that wields a powersaw (by the looks of it). This mercenary has skills that make it most useful for PvP. Update about Merc to follow.


Pacific: 11:00 P.M. – 2:00 A.M. Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Eastern: 2:00 A.M. – 5:00 A.M. Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why am I fighting AFK people in league?

June 22, 2012 § Leave a comment

There is a certain level range in the free league where you find many AFK people. In the low divisions people are trying to come to higher divisons to earn some money with fighting, but in higher divisions many players are just AFK. This can be quite annoying if you want to loot your enemy after the fight or if you do not want to step forward in division range. But why so people go to league and stand there doing nothing?

The magic behind this is TBS. You get 60 TBS points for a week, resetting on Thursday 6 a.m server time. If you used your TBS points, there are only two cheap (and 1 expensive) ways to gain more TBS points:

  • You fight in league 2 times a day and get 4 TBS points, no matter if you fight or not, even being AFK counts.
  • You do 3 quests and get 6 TBS points a day,
  • The expensive way to gain 6 more points a day: use Atlas Ore in your diary so you can do 2 more quests and 1 more league fight.

If you just do not use Atlas Ore, you can gain 60 bonus TBS points for 1 week. So, if you fight against an AFK players the next time, do not be angry, he is just lazy 😀 And it is an easy way to win for you as the inactive player is kicked from the fight after 3 rounds.

Guild rules

June 19, 2012 § Leave a comment


From now on, a subsite with the guild rules is active. The rules are valid from now on and every player of the guild should know the rules.

Breaking the rules is not tolerated!

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